Week One Reflections

We made it through week one! And I feel…. pretty good. Not amazing, but pleased. Hopeful. Excited for next week.

Week one was a short week. My preschoolers began “traditional” preschool on Tuesday, so we followed their schedule. This left us with one less day to cover academic content, and it showed. I got about halfway through what I’d hoped to cover in science and 2/3 of the way through ELA (both of which are from the Blossom & Root 3rd grade curriculum). We actually did well with math (I’m using Wild Math), writing (Writing with Ease), Spanish (I’m making that up as I go), and art (Art History Kids). We also spent a gorgeous day at Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, a morning at the beach with little bro, a lunch with friends, and one full learning day at the playground. When I write it out like that, I feel pretty proud, actually.

Yesterday, in Glacier Park, was the first day I relaxed all week. I was tense and rushing around most of the week, transporting little people to various schools and activities, and trying to squeeze in learning lessons. Finally, on the banks of Lake McDonald, watching my daughter hopping from rock to rock, I exhaled. I gave us credit for what we had accomplished. I savored the sun-dappled setting and the peace of having nothing more on my to-do list to check off. And it felt like a successful start to this new adventure.

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed it. Earlier this week, when I was expressing my worry about not getting enough covered, she sagely turned to me and said, “Mom, we have all year.” Wise words.

Next week, my goal is to have more fun and worry less. Also I bought some air dry clay and I’m excited to get our hands dirty with that. We’ll go back to Glacier on Friday for another adventure. And I’m going to get some poster materials for a major wolf project.


How We Set Up Our Homeschool: Part One